Dragonboy IT & Electronics Journey

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spreadsheet Online From Google - is it that great ?

Spreadsheet online from Google -> http://docs.google.com

has already been around for quite some time now. A lot of people was saying that Google threaten Microsoft Office with these products.

My comments for now:
Impossible :P

See my own story:

I am using the Docs.google.com for the spreadsheet, since I will need to update some of my files between Notebook and Desktop. So its a hassle to keep updating it in 2 places. and transfer via email to make sure they are in sync.

So I have decided to move the file to docs.google.com

Sure enough, I do not need to keep updating in 2 places. I will just need to go to the site, and update mine.

Sounds simple ???

Here are the bad things,
everytime I will need to insert a row, its a painful, and since my file is about 121 lines (keeps increasing)
I could not see the header. And there is no function to freeze the top column.

Here are the annoying things I found so far:
1. Everytime I insert a line, the Web Browser will stuck and will not give me a blank entry until I close the browser and reopen a new one. (I am using IE 6)

2. Everytime I insert a column, the Web Browser will stuck and will not give me a blank entry until I close the browser and reopen a new one. (I am using IE 6)

3. No Header like I said before, so its painful to go back to the 1st row to see what is the title of the column.

So all the analyst that keep saying Google spreadsheet will take over the MS Office. My comments only: Keep dreaming for now :P.

For now, its far far from perfect.

The only good thing is I do not need to keep updating my files in 2 places, but now I am stuck with a new problem i.e. Keep closing and reopening my web browser.

Product used: http://docs.google.com
