Dragonboy IT & Electronics Journey

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Linksys Wireless Router - 4MB Flash

Since I am moving back to USA again, the 1st thing that I need to find is a router. So I went to Fry's and Best Buy to look for Linksys Wireless Router.

Since I have managed to install a custom firmware on my other router in Singapore, I will definitely want to have a new custom firmware on my router here.

Eventhough I knew that Fry's and Best Buy have a refund policy after 2 weeks, I do not want to waste a trip to go back and fight :). So the easiest way to make sure that I will get the correct router and model number is to print out the list of Linksys Router Version number.

Why do I need to do that?
The new Linksys Router come with a 2 MB flash. So the custom firmware dd-wrt will not be fit into it. The Old Linksys Router comes with a 4MB flash.

If I buy a 2MB flash, the Micro DD-WRT is the only version that I can use. I will not be able to use the standard version of DD-WRT. (needs 4 MB Flash). -> The standard version offers more options like ssh

So I print out all the list as a .pdf and save it to my Phone (O2 XDA IIi) . No Paper, I save a tree :P.

My first thought that it will be easy to find those router with 4 MB flash. I was wrong. Damn, it is so hard and finally I only manage to find 1 Router that have 4 MB. The rest of them are new stocks i.e. 2 MB flash.

Here is the one that I manage to buy:
WRT54GL version 1.1 with 4MB flash.

Those are my experience in Best Buy and Fry's.

If you need to buy a router, and interested with custom firmware, go to this website to check out the version and flash size:

Print out the list and buy it :).



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